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Consent Of Directors


We, the undersigned, being all of the directors of [Name of Corporation], do hereby adopt the following resolutions by signing our written consent thereto:

RESOLVED, that the Bylaws attached hereto as Exhibit A be and hereby are, adopted as the Bylaws of the corporation and the Secretary of the Corporation is directed to insert a copy of said Bylaws in the corporate minutes book.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following persons be, and they hereby are, appointed as officers of the corporation to serve as such until their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified:

1. [Name of first officer]

2. [Name of second officer]

3. [Name of third officer]

4. [Name of fourth officer]

5. [Name of fifth officer]


that be and it hereby is designated as a depository of the Corporation and that the resolutions prescribed and furnished by the Bank for opening said account, attached hereto as Exhibit B, be and they are hereby adopted and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that it is anticipated that the corporation will need additional funds from time to time and that such funds may be borrowed under promissory notes issued by the corporation;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the officers of the corporation be, and they hereby are, authorized to borrow money on behalf of the corporation from time to time and to issue its promissory notes therefor repayable in not more than ten years with interest at such rates, and upon such other terms and conditions, as the officers may deem necessary and appropriate.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the acts and contracts of the incorporators, shareholders and original directors are hereby adopted, ratified and approved.

This action shall be effective [effective date].

Signature Date